How To Recover Overwritten Word Document & Excel File? ? How To Recover A Replaced Excel File Version

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Đang xem: How to recover overwritten word document & excel file?

If the AutoRecover option is turned on, you can automatically save versions of your file while you’re working on it. How you recover something depends on when you saved it.

If you’ve saved the file

Open the file you were working on.

Go to File > Info.

Under Manage Workbook or Manage Presentation, select the file labeled (when I closed without saving).

In the bar at the top of the file, select Restore to overwrite any previously saved versions.

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If you haven’t saved the file

Go to File > Info > Manage Document > Recover Unsaved Workbooks in Excel, or Recover Unsaved Presentations in PowerPoint.


Select the file, and then select Open.


In the bar at the top of the file, select Save As to save the file.


See Also

View historical versions of Office files

What is AutoSave?

View the version history of an item or file in a SharePoint list or library

How does versioning work in a SharePoint list or library


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